Le courtage entre cette compagnie suédoise et la CAQ pour l’implantation de sa méga-usine de batteries de voiture, Northvolt Six, date d'aux alentours de la COP15.
Événements à venir
Y'en a pas!
Journal contre NorthVolt
Northvolt, un projet vert?
Perspectives locales sur Northvolt Six
Les conséquences de l'implantation de Northvolt en Montérégie sont plurielles. En plus de la destruction des écosystèmes qu'entraînerait la construction de son usine, les décennies qui viennent verront aussi une multiplication des effets pervers de sa mise en activité, puisque la fabrication de batteries affectera la vallée du Richelieu tant sur le plan écologique que social. Regardons de plus près les multiples facettes du désastre de Northvolt Six.
Destruction de milieux naturels
Derrière Northvolt, la filière batterie du projet Saint-Laurent
Vous l’avez certainement entendu depuis son annonce en septembre 2023, la giga-usine Northvolt Six ne fait pas l’unanimité au Québec. Plusieurs critiques concernant l'installation de la manufacture de batteries font constamment les manchettes : désastre pour la biodiversité de la région, mise en place antidémocratique du projet, opacité des processus décisionnels de la CAQ, changement des seuils d’assujettissement pour l’étude du BAPE...
Mines partout, justice nulle part
On a beaucoup parlé des impacts environnementaux qu’aura la construction de la méga-usine de batteries de Northvolt à même son site. Construction autorisée sans évaluations et sans délai, on peut dire adieu au rôle de corridor écologique que joue cet emplacement. Or, si on prend un pas de recul, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire sur le plan écologique de produire un demi-million de batteries de char par année?
From Turtle Island to the DRC: No blood batteries!
As capitalists around the world embark on a mass propaganda campaign to convince people that electrified vehicles represent our only way out of the climate crisis, they are in fact manufacturing consent for further mining and environmental devastation on Indigenous land, both at home and abroad. It is in large part from the expropriation and theft of these so-called "critical" minerals from Indigenous land that capitalist profits flow all the way up the supply chain, leaving nothing but pollution, poisoning, and human suffering in their wake.
Colonialisme, cobalt et Congo
Le sol de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) regorge des minéraux nécessaires au maintien du mode de vie des pays du Nord global et d’un nombre croissant de pays du Sud global. Le 19 janvier dernier, la compagnie Northvolt a d'ailleurs annoncé son intention d'acheter du cobalt du pays d'Afrique centrale1.
Les dessous de la filière « critique et stratégique »
Derrière la course effrénée à développer la filière batterie et à se positionner comme chef de file dans «l’économie verte» se cachent toutes les étapes de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et de transformation des soi-disant «minéraux critiques et stratégiques» (MCS) nécessaires à ces batteries. Si l’extraction du cuivre, du graphite, du niobium, du zinc, du cobalt, du nickel, du titane et du lithium amènent leur lot de problèmes socio-environnementaux dans le monde, l’étape de transformation industrielle du minerai au minéral n’est pas non plus sans conséquence.
Mort à l’étalement urbain
Nos sociétés de croissance reposent sur le rêve américain, soit la croyance qu’en travaillant fort, quiconque peut les personnes peuvent réussir et prospérer économiquement. Ce mythe érige la possession d'une automobile et d'une maison unifamiliale en banlieue en symbole du succès. Les individus ne peuvent ainsi s'émanciper qu'en sacrifiant des milliers d'heures de travail salarié étalées sur plusieurs décennies.
Pour un transport inclusif: oublions la voiture
Les subventions aux entreprises de la filière batterie ne servent qu'à sauver l'industrie automobile et accroître sa domination sur les autres moyens de transport. Cette industrie dépend d'un mode de transport qui renforce les inégalités sociales, que ce soit au niveau du sexisme, du racisme ou du capacitisme. En effet, le transport centré sur l'automobile vient renforcer ces inégalités déjà présentes dans la société actuelle.
Terrasser la culture du char à grands coups de Kryptonite*
Le vélo comme outil d’émancipation
Crush Car Culture With Free and Expanded Public Transit!
Vers une économie réellement durable
Démanteler le capitalisme et bâtir des alternatives collectives
Déjouons la culture du char: carrés blancs sur black bloc
*si vous êtes né·e·s avant le nouvel an (~début février), vous êtes considéré·e l'année précédente
Rat (1972, 1884, 1996): Votre esprit vif vous permettra de planifier des stratégies astucieuses pour vos actions. Si vous gardez un équilibre entre l'action directe et la réflexion, vos idées novatrices peuvent être la clé pour surmonter les obstacles et sauter des barrières.
Quoi faire?
Nous pouvons résister à la logique destructrice du capital. Les investissements massifs de Northvolt sont à un jet de pierre de Montréal et sont très vulnérables étant donné les délais de construction et les hausses de coûts à prévoir. En bloquant Northvolt et sa chaîne d'approvisionnement, on est solidaires des groupes autochtones qui protègent leurs terres de l'exploitation minière. On s’attaque aussi à l’impérialisme, à une logique de transport nuisible et à un projet d’écoblanchiment qui justifie la dévastation environnementale globale et locale.
FROM SEPTEMBER 23 TO 29 2023 :
The week of Climate Rage will be an opportunity to put forward a radical, anti-oppressive, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist ecology through workshops, demonstrations and other disruptive actions. Climate Rage invites all groups and individuals to organize disruptive actions that directly confront capitalists, the state that serves them and their watchdogs.
Trees crumble under the weight of ice in March, forests burn in May, rivers overflow in July, the air has been unbreathable for weeks, and the only answers governments offer us are to widen the highways and pave over the few remaining green spaces in our cities to allow more containers filled with millions of useless plastic gadgets to trade right up to the doorsteps of the jaded petit bourgeoisie. In the face of cynical inaction and false promises, we must act in the face of the unfolding catastrophe.
That's why we're calling on political, community, student and union organizations to unite in a week of climate rage from September 25 to 29. It's imperative that we use this week as a reminder that we won't be fooled by opportunistic politicians who tell us there's nothing more to be done, or that they'll take matters into their own hands, depending on the mood of the moment. We no longer expect anything from the political class, but it is still possible and necessary to act collectively by fighting against this extractivist, colonial and ecocidal system, which prefers profit to life.
Thirty years after the Rio Summit, it's clear that nothing has really changed. The 15 COP on biodiversity, the 27 COP on climate change and the countless concertation forums manipulated by the capitalists have not moved us forward, but backwards to the edge of the precipice. Peaceful actions, docile parades and negotiation are no longer enough, and it's become inevitable to turn up the heat if we want to see concrete change. Those responsible for this massacre are not abstract entities, they have names and addresses! This system of infinite growth and profitability is responsible for the destruction of our planet. We must leave them no choice. This week of Climate Rage must be a call for a radical change of system, one that is fairer and more respectful of the Earth that feeds us.
Strike in september 2023
Since 2019, the month of September has been synonymous with strikes for climate justice. Despite widespread mobilizations, every year we hear the same empty promises and every year as soon as we wisely return home, we find ourselves faced with inaction and relive the same disappointments. But we refuse to give up in the face of capitalism's death machine, and we're going to keep up the fight to put an end to this unjust and ecocidal system.
In the spirit of escalating pressure tactics, Climate Rage is calling on student associations, community groups and unions to go on strike from September 25 to 29, with an emphasis on 28-29. We're calling for a general strike that will truly disrupt the established order, with action, sabotage, disruptions, banner displays and all kinds of strong protest actions against the cynicism of those who already have everything. The week will culminate in two demonstrations on September 28 and 29.
Here is an example of a proposed strike mandate to be adopted by your General Assemblies.
Protests and Actions
Several activities are already planned for Climate Rage week, so don't hesitate to write to us to add your own.
On September 28, we'll be holding a protest to "Crush Car Culture!" organized by Rage Climatique, Climate Justice Montreal. Then, on September 29, we're co-organizing, with a large coalition of groups, a Climate Rage demonstration as an alternative to the traditional institutionalized "climate marches" on the last Friday of September, to propose an anti-oppressive, anti-capitalist vision of ecology.
In the middle of the week, we're also organizing a full day of popular education workshops. If it doesn't rain, this teach-in will be held in Parc Lafontaine from 9 a.m. on Wednesday September 27th.
The Climate Rage
Climate Rage is an organization that invites us to go beyond the facade ecology of the big companies that offer us cardboard straws instead of rethinking the organization of society. For the time being, Climate Rage's aim is to radicalize environmentalist discourse by putting forward an anti-oppressive, anti-capitalist ecology: it's impossible to reverse ecological destruction without getting out of the capitalist system. Climate Rage invites us to go beyond the ecologism of the big companies that offer us cardboard straws instead of rethinking the organization of society.
We are faced with a socio-economic system that destroys ecosystems and exploits people. In the capitalist society in which we live, there is no solution for the living. Yet the state and private companies are prepared to go to any length to protect this death machine. Faced with this reality, it's our duty to assume our collective rage and let it emerge as a fighting force capable of building new worlds. Climate Rage is an invitation to transform eco-anxiety into eco-rage!
Rage Climatique Journal, Fall 2023
Journal Articles
The enraged: horoscope for 2023
(inspired by stupid websites and basic knowledge of some astro-queers ;) )
For everyone:
Love: <3 <3 <3
Friendship: <3 <3 <3
Chance: <3 because ACAB
Aries (March 20 – April 19)
What is Plant Blindness?
Today, more than ever in human history, fewer and fewer people are able to recognize even a few wild plants. Plant blindness is the inability of many people, even those who study the natural sciences, to identify plants, distinguish them from each other, and name them. It is the inability to see or notice plants in one's own environment. Capitalism disconnects us from nature (and from other human beings too). Under its rule, people who know their environment deeply and truly are becoming an endangered species.
For the health of our communities and our ecosystems: less asphalt, more flowers!
A Little Practice… The diversity of tactics in demonstrations
Journal contre NorthVolt
Commodification of nature
The COP15 is highly effective at promoting an "asset management" approach to biodiversity that actually enables capitalists to generate profit from ecological degradation, while forcing communities in the global South to provide greater access and control over their land to governments and powerful NGOs in the global North. Since the turn to models of sustainable development in the 1990s, UN agencies have strongly championed the idea that economic growth is compatible with ecological preservation.
Plague, Cholera? Why not both? From carbon credits to biodiversity credits
Banks and global NGOs are ready for the big leap towards biodiversity credits, as announced by a 40-page OECD document on biodiversity credits. However, the introduction of carbon credits since the Kyoto Protocol have not improved anything 15 years later. Let's see why it is imperative to refuse these kinds of solutions to the decline of biodiversity.